Business & Sales,

Made Simple.

Modern, high level sales & client acquisition services tailored for your established or up and coming business.


4.9/5 star reviews

Hundreds of happy customers nationwide


Client Retention Rate



Trust me, I've been there.

I started with my other company. Tone Vault Audio & Media. I learned where to start. How to form a business. Taxes. Laws. Multiple Businesses. Websites & SEO. Funnels & Email Drip Campaigns. Courses. E-Comm. Online Marketing, and the start of it all, which was an actual brick & mortar service rebuilt 3 times....3rd time's the charm I guess.

I've seen almost every corner of modern business tying to the internet - and almost every corner of the internet itself.

Figuring out what you're good at, what you're going to sell and how to market yourself isn't the hard part. It's once you're up and running - and need quality clients coming into your business - and how to get them to buy at the momentum you need to scale is the difference between a hobbyist & a legitimate business person.


Clients Seeing Greener Grass

"Matt & his team have completely revolutionized my business. Expanded my mind as well as shown me how to achieve more with the skills I already possessed."

- Jess, MN

"Result Vault has been a great asset to the transition from focusing on my craft for years to the point of teaching others. RV is literally allowing me to achieve my dreams while leaving a legacy to others through my life experiences."

- Robert, MN

"I've always wanted to start a business - Matt & his team allowed me to do that, held my hand the entire way & ensured I didn't make any crazy decisions throughout my journey until I was comfortable enough to do my thing. I'd never have gotten to where I'm at today without Result Vault Solutions."

- Rachel, CA


Something for Every Budget

Free Business Strategy Call

This is where we see what your goals are, any pain points you may have & if we can advise toward any of it. If we offer anything of service that can assist you, we'll determine that on the call.

Start Your Own Business

Thinking about starting your very own business? Whether it's to beat the economy, decide your own schedule or even just to eliminate having a boss - we can advise the how/why/what so you're setup up for success as quickly as possible.

Marketing & Sales Team Development

Whether you're going to achieve it all by yourself or have aspirations to build out a team - we can get you from point A to Z, whether you DIY, need us to work with you or even do it for you.


Matt Seely - Founder & CEO

Sales & Marketing was something I learned on the back end of business. I've spent years in the trenches refining my craft(s) and assuming that's what would attract clients & customers. Unfortunately I learned along the journey that isn't mostly the case - and a significant amount of effort needs to be placed into a great marketing & sales foundation especially in relation to the internet to allow for business to ultimately become sustainable and predictable enough to replace the typical"day job". Over the past 5 years, I've been crafting my own approach to marketing on the internet & beyond - and setting up business to be effective and efficient - so that there's little to no friction from the point someone discovers you, to the point of purchase of your goods/service. Here are a few of the things we mentor/advise upon:

  • Business Creation | Process | Insight

  • Website & Funnel Creation

  • E-Comm, Online Marketplace, B2C & B2B Sales

  • Remote Setting/Closing/Triaging/Sales Team Building

  • Graphic Design, Copywriting & Marketing Materials

  • Organic & Paid Outreach (Lead Generation)


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Get access to insights only our customers achieve - super refined, no fluff and efficient processes to succeed. Start, scale or secure your business's situation no matter where you're at in the process, & let our clients & acquaintances help you along the way.

Book a FREE strategy call.

100% Risk free call just seeing where you sit, and advising where to go. At the end you'll walk away with a solid plan for your business.

100% free of charge!

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